"one as another" by Paula Zarina Zemane
"one as another" by Paula Zarina Zemane
"one as another" by Paula Zarina Zemane

18.09.2018 - 03.11.2018

In this show Zarina - Zemane explores smaller scale and much more intimate painting. Paintings created in 2018 are unique extensions of her previous series and it becomes obvious that she has plenty to explore in these zoomed in versions of her universe.

All of the artworks at “one as another” are abstract painting, yet one can observe various strands of inspiration for the exhibited artworks. Indeed, most of them look as precious objects that are filled with light and colour, yet some remind us of abstract portraits of timeless people, others of precious stones, and yet anothers of cosmic energies. Zariņa Zēmane ties these themes organically placing her artworks in the realm of timelessness.

Up to now Zarina Zemane’s artworks were mostly landscapes with a dividing horizon. In her own words she has described the process of creation for the works exhibited as walking through her imaginary landscapes and coming closer to the objects that are there. By deliberately yet so naturally avoiding her old paths with the horizons, instead Zarina Zemane moves closer to it and shows her latest works as a huge close- up. By working with herself like a clay, poaching and stretching, the artist almost disperses into different forms.

Zarina Zemane talks about her relations with the paint in a manner that she surrenders all power to it, working intuitively and entering in an almost uncontrolled state when doing so. The artist feels enormous pleasure of the process itself, moving the paint back and forth. By tracing the paths of her brushes the viewer can imagine the artist walking though her mind landscapes. It is like a strange parallel reality, wherby Zarina Zemane so bravely invites the viewer into her universe of “shimmer”.

Photo credit: Ansis Starks
